Roses are red violets are blue
honey is sweet but not as sweet as you
roses are red and violets are blue
daddy told him
not to be told him
not dumb dee da dee dum dum
da da da da dum da da da da dum
de dum da dum da da da dum da da
me to
come pick my roses
sweet from the floor is
honey from the piece
I gotta feeling I'm ready to leave
bruises and phone it so blue
Harney Street but not as sweet as you
its inverse able to chill touch your bro and
I can feel it on my buddy so emotional
I'm a little ride on a ride on a passenger
I'm the victim know if I Heart Walk messenger
dum di da di da dum da da da da
dun da da da da
realest thing you said was
dum dee da dee dum dum de
dum da dum da da da da da
Le Creuset service
come with me baby please for some English
sure which one it really show me a kiss
roses are red and violets are blue
honey is sweet but not as sweet as you
its invincible that's silly talk show go
and I can feel it on my body so emotional
I'm on a ride on a ride I'm a passenger
I'm the victim of a hot enough messenger
dum dee da dee dum dum da da da da dum
da da da da do
you thing you said was
done doodle doodle dum
da da da da dum da dum
da dum da da da da da dun
da da dun da da da da da
una thing you said was
dum de dum dum dum di da di da di da di
da di da di mad dum dee da dee dum
dum doodle doodle dum de dum dum
donde me to
come pick my roses
on hero
di da di da dum da da da da dum
dee da dee da
the only thing you said was
down da da da da dum dee da dee
da dum de dum de dum dum da da
da da dun da da
vida Feliz thing you said was
dumb di da di da dun da da dun
da da da da does
Melissa sorry
daddy daddy daddy
that the mat
I personally almost peed myself when I read this afterwards. Real lyrics are here.
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